Delta & Summit Learning Center

Credit Union

Credit Union 1 Merger Information
Credit Union Membership is open to all current and former District 218 employees and their families. You must be a member with a complete application on file!
Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Withdrawals from savings are only a phone call away. Checks can be sent interoffice (received next day at your building), picked-up at the credit union office same day, or mailed directly to your home.
Credit Union Fact Sheet:
Payroll Deductions; Direct Payment; Direct Deposit
Interest paid fourth quarter, .60%
Bill Pay Through ACH (Electronic Payments)
Shared Secured Loan
2% - 60 Months Max
New Automobile Loan 3.5% - 1 - 60 Months
Used Automobile Loan
4.0% - One to Four Years Old - 60 Months
4.5% - Five to Eight Years Old (max) - 48 Months
Education Loan/$5,000 Max
4.0% - 12 Months 
Loan check dispersed to educational institution.
Signature Loan/$5,000 Max 12% - 48 Months 
Rates Apply to Qualified Borrowers
You must be a member of the credit union to take part!
Members with auto loans held outside of our credit untion can refinance (with us) at above rate if auto is 2015 or newer. (Previous loan forms must be presented at time of application); and, the new load (with us) is not to exceed the amount owed.
Total Maximum Loan(s) - $55,000
Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday
12:00 PM - 4:00 pm
For membership information, please contact:
Colleen Dillon or Kathy Sarhage
Administrative Center
(708) 423-8065 or
(708) 424-2000 x2470
Voicemail requests will be handled promptly!